Tag: Sacks&Guns!!

  • Sakugan | Anime Review: Too many questions, not enough answers.

    Sakugan | Anime Review: Too many questions, not enough answers.

    The “Labyrinth” is an expansive space deep underground where humans live in clusters known as “colonies.” Over the years, the surface has become a distant memory—even perhaps only a fantasy to those who have never experienced its wonders. Making sure humanity survives the harsh conditions of the underground, a colony’s…

  • Sakugan | Episode Ten: Rainbow Children?

    Since Merooro mentioned that the Shibito aim for the princesses, I wonder if the Rainbow Kids they refer to are the princesses and Memenpu is actually one herself. We haven’t got much information on her mother yet so I feel like that could be a potential connection, maybe Gagumber himself…

  • Sakugan | Episode 9: A boring episode.

    In the last blog, I mentioned how episode nine will be an episode that I will have little to no expectations for and I’m glad that was the case. I’ve noticed this with a few of the anime I’m currently watching, they save what could be the best for last.…

  • Sakugan | Episode Eight: Plot Twist.

    Episode eight of Sakugan was very interesting because it presented a pretty big plot twist that I personally didn’t see coming. To sum it up, episode eight is the embodiment of “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer”. Who would have thought that Zackletu and Gagumber go way back,…

  • Sakugan | Episode Seven: A very confusing episode.

    Thoughts before watching the episode. I have a feeling that Urorop is Memenpu’s mother. This makes a lot of sense to me because it was mentioned in one of the earlier episodes that Memenpu’s mother was also very adventurous. It was also mentioned that Memenpu’s thirst for adventure comes from…

  • Sakugan | Episode 6: Robinhood.

    Episode six sees Gagmuber and Memenpu visit a colony where they stand for “equality” but is essentially a colony full of aristocrats. Everyone else who does not fall into that class is forced into an orphanage where I assume they forcibly attempt to make you an active member of this…

  • Sakugan | Episode Five: It could have been better.

    This Bureau guy doesn’t seem so bad after all. In the words of Gagumber, they (Merooro and Memenpu) are both “nerds”. Which for once worked against Gagumber because Memenpu had someone of equal intelligence to talk and relate to. So in that regard, Gagumber had less thinking to do as…

  • Sakugan | First Impressions: The Best Father-Daughter Duo.

    Far in the future, the human beings were pushed into the deep underground world called Labyrinth and they are living shoulder-to-shoulder. The Labyrinth has several colonies with severe settings such as one having an insanely high temperature, while another is full of gold and silver. Among those, in a colony…

  • Sakugan | Episode 4: A Day under House Arrest.

    Not going to lie, I’m not sure why Memenpu and Gagumber are (basically) under house arrest in this colony they find themselves in. You would think that this Bureau guy would offer more information as to who he is and his role in this Bureau. All we really know from…

  • Sakugan | Episode Three: Overconfidence can only get you so far.

    Memenpu is a fascinating character. She’s a very outgoing, overly confident but also highly intelligent nine year old. However, she’s overly confident to a fault (as shown by episode three). Memenpu and her father, Gagumber are polar opposites yes, but they balance each other out and that’s what I love…

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