Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo. | Exploring an adolescent’s mind.

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Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo. | Exploring an adolescent’s mind.

When they were little kids laughing and playing together, Izumi Norimoto and Kazusa Onodera were like siblings. But as their bodies matured into middle school, Kazusa began seeing him as something different; unfortunately for her, so did the other girls. Ostracized, Kazusa had no choice but to distance herself from him going into high school. After joining the literature club, however, she finds friends that keep her mind occupied. Known throughout the school for reading aloud sex scenes in literature novels, the club’s reputation has kept all teachers from accepting the task of being their adviser.

During a discussion about what they would put on their bucket list, one of the girls says one thing: sex. This single word sends ripples throughout the five girls, as the thought of sex begins taking over their daily lives. And, after walking in on Izumi during a very private moment, Kazusa is sent into a spiral of emotion that forces her to face her true feelings for him. Now, with their hearts racing and the literature club facing immediate disbandment, the five girls must work hard to keep both their sanities and their club alive.

Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo.

I’ll be honest, “Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo” is a weird anime. Despite it being weird, cringe and uncomfortable at times. Oddly enough, I suppose this anime is an excellent representation of what goes on in an adolescent’s mind. The awkwardness but interest of a person going through this phase in life is, and will always be, strange. Seeing it play out in an anime is a little inviting, to say the least, because it’s nearly like taboo content.

What this anime does exceptionally well is distinguishing between people who are quiet about the topic of sex and those who are open about it. I’ve always been someone who’ll keep quiet on the subject. It has always been a subject I stayed away from because I detest being in those exchanges whenever you’re out and about with your friends.

But you’ll always have that friend or two who will always be open to the content. You’ll always have that friend where sex is always on their mind, and it’ll always be what they’ll talk about.

Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo” exceptionally portrays that awkwardness. Obviously, the anime doesn’t just cover the topic of sex. It also dances around the topic of love; feeling a certain type of way for someone. In short, “Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo” explores an adolescent’s mind.

The characters are very interesting ones to say the least. Niina Sugawura makes her intention clear when she declares her intention to experience sex. In presumably the bluntest way possible, this anime isn’t intent on hiding its majority culture. That was it’s biggest standout to me.

As you’d expect, each character in the series has their own personality. These personalities are not static, however, they’re constantly changing, with puberty playing a prominent role. Our characters experience emotions ranging from covetousness, sadness, wrathfulness, and other common mood swings. All this very much falls in line with the typical coming-of-age style of story.

The main character, Kazusa Onodera, shows signs of fear in early episodes. Due to her love for her friend, Izumi Norimoto, she has trouble breaking out of the friend zone. As part of a love triangle, Niina begins to develop a love for Izumi after growing to understand him. The anime pits the three characters into a love angle that tests the limits of their affection for one another. Does this feel like trashy writing? The answer is yes and no. With the growing understanding of love in the show, we eventually come to and understand why characters feel the way they do.

I won’t spoil it, but it’s easy to point fingers at certain character behaviours and how they feel magnet towards the topic of sex. One illustration is Hitoha Hongou, a novelist who develops an affection for an older man. The anime doesn’t commit important to their character relationship. I’ll be honest, it’s a little weird but it’s something the anime does touch on. Luckily, however, it’s the type of character drama that shows slight enhancement and lacks significance to her growth as a teen.

On the other hand, I do feel it’s worth getting invested in the main love triangle between Kazusa, Izumi, and Niina. While teenaged love and drama, this show contains a degree of literalism that touches on further sensible subjects. Understand, however, that the anime occasionally isn’t meant to be taken too seriously. This is especially true in the early stages, with many jokes to follow suit.

With a cast of teenagers on hormones, you also have to wonder how important the anime planned to develop each character collectively. At its core, the characters hope to break out of their shell and become grown-ups. Some indeed suffer physical changes, similar to the case of Rika Sonezaki, when she gets rid of her glasses after being told she looks beautiful without them. Others develop a further serious changes, similar to the case of Momoko Sudou. I also find numerous of the characters relatable to us.

Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo” isn’t a niche anime. Still, it can be different than what people realize. While the first couple of episodes can be a point of contention with the viewers, they capture the rudiments of a love drama. Love is a subject humankind will never truly understand. The characters in this show took the first way in getting grown-ups and, simultaneously, trying to witness sex and love.

Overall, I’d say it’s one to watch.

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