So Ra No Wo To | Another Anime about girls and guns.

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So Ra No Wo To | Another Anime about girls and guns.

Who would have thought, shortly after posting my Strike Witches post, I’d be heading back to the drawing board where I would talk about yet another Anime that involves lolis and the art of Military combat. Who would have thought that girls and guns would be a popular thing in Japan to not only produce but to watch.

I personally am in awe every time I see a new Anime that has this kind of plot. I did like this Anime a lot more than I did Strikes Witches so I guess that is saying something.

The story lacks a forward direction. However, for that reason, as you begin to understand why things are going on, it makes it a much more enjoyable experience. As I mentioned above, if you’re looking for a straight-out war show, look elsewhere. If you want to watch “cute girls doing cute things in cute ways”, you may like Sora no Woto, though in recent episodes (6, 7) the story overall has taken a darker shade, as some of the truths around the 1121st platoon come to the surface.

The animation of the characters themselves was a little unsavoury in the very first episode. However, it has become smoother (or maybe I’ve just gotten used to it)… but the real beauty in this show is in the backgrounds. The setting itself is based on the city of Cuenca, Spain, a city built in a mountainous range, with a variety of steep cliffs and water. This is well represented in the show, where most of the backgrounds make you stop and watch them instead of the characters if you happen to notice that kind of thing. That being said, make sure you watch this show in at least 720p. ;D

There’s a wide variety of sounds in Sora no Woto, but the most noteworthy is the music. Not the background music – the music that comes from bugles, which is a focal point early on in the series. When the main character, Kanata, first begins to play the bugle, there’s not much that can express the sounds that come out of that instrument.

I couldn’t help but laugh the second I heard it, and once again laugh when Kanata suddenly vastly improves with one small piece of advice. In addition, the OP theme, by Kalafina (known for their work in the Kara no Kyoukai series) seems a little flavourless at first, but as the series progresses, it more closely resembles the overall feeling of the show.

Everybody seems to think Sora no Woto takes the characters from K-On! and puts them in a different setting. Honestly, that’s just wrong. While they do look similar, the characters in Sora no Woto have much, MUCH more depth to them than the K-On! cast. Each character shows many sides, straying away from static personalities, though to be fair, it does employ anime archetypes.

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